How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep During the Summer
Summer is almost upon us and, although that means long lazy days in the sun and time off work, for many of us, it can also spell sleepless nights. With the sun rising in the early hours of the morning and warmer weather, many of us struggle to find the perfect sleeping environment. A good night’s sleep is essential for our health and well-being so here are just a few of our tips to help you get the best night’s sleep during the summer months.
Lower the temperature
For many of us, the warmer nights can affect our sleep. The ideal bed time temperature for most people is between 16-18°C and, unless you have air conditioning which is fairly rare in the UK, it can be hard to guarantee a steady temperature in your bedroom. If you know it’s going to be a hot day, keep the blinds and curtains shut in your bedroom to help reflect the heat and open windows to let the heat out. Remember that if it’s cooler indoors, keep the windows shut to stop heat from getting in throughout the day.
Change your duvet
Changing your duvet from a thick, winter one to a summer duvet around 4.5 togs or even just a blanket will help you to stay cool. If you or your partner prefers to stay warm, consider having separate duvets so that you both get a good night’s sleep. The last thing you want during the warmer weather is a duvet that’s designed to keep you warm!
Wear light, breathable fabrics
To help your body remain cool throughout the night, if you wear pyjamas, make sure they’re made from light, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. If you have a foam mattress topper or pillow, consider getting rid of them because foam absorbs heat and will make your bed feel even warmer than it already is.
Block out sunlight
Keeping your bedroom in complete darkness can prevent you from being woken up by sunlight at 4am. Our bodies are designed to respond to sunlight and exposure makes us feel more awake but, when trying to get enough sleep for the day ahead, most of us don’t want to be wide awake in the early hours of the morning. Roller blinds can help you to minimise the amount of sunlight allowed into your bedroom both late at night and early in the morning. At Blinds Direct Online, we supply made to measure roller and blackout roller blinds to help you get a good night’s sleep during the summer months. Not only will they block out light, they will also help to block heat absorption in your home if they’re left down during the day.