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Caring for your Venetian Blinds

Caring for your blinds

So, you’ve pored over the choices, picked your blinds, got them delivered and installed them. There. Easy wasn’t it?

Unlike curtains, blinds are a great choice for your windows as they allow you to filter the amount of light that enters your home. However, like anything in the home, the more you care for them, the longer they’ll last and the better they’ll look.

Follow our tips below for cleaning your blinds and you won’t go far wrong.

Caring for Venetian Blinds

One question we’re often asked is, how often should you clean your blinds? Well, that depends on your home and your own unique circumstances. In most cases, you only really require one annual spring clean, to keep your blinds nice and fresh, but if you’re using them in a room that typically gets quite dusty, you may need a more frequent clean.

How to clean Venetian blinds

First off, don’t be tempted to literally undo all your work, by uninstalling your blinds from their position above your window. They can easily be cleaned in situ. By removing your blinds, you run the risk of causing unnecessary damage to them in the long run.

The best thing to do, is to make sure your venetian blind is fully closed, so that the slats present a solid wall facing you. You can now move onto dusting.

Dusting your blinds

To rid your blinds of dust, place a suitable attachment on the end of your vacuum cleaner and lightly run this over your blinds in a sweeping motion from left to right, ensuring you work your way down from top to bottom. If you prefer, you can use a feather duster to lightly remove any dust particles.

Use the tilt mechanism to turn the slats in your blind around to face the opposite direction, and repeat this process, until both sides have been dusted.

Due to the hardwearing nature of the materials used in our venetian blinds, there really is no need to do anything more to them, to keep them looking fresh. However, you may want to go one step further and give them a light liquid clean, following the step below.

Cleaning the wand and fixings

Whilst the slats in your blind are more likely to collect dust, the wand and fixings can end up getting a little grubby over time. But there’s an easy solution.

Simply submerge a clean sponge into a basin of warm water, with a drop of washing up liquid in it and run the sponge up and down the wand and around the fixings. Make sure the sponge is damp and not wringing wet, as you don’t want to leave water marks on your lovely new blinds.

If you’ve decided that you want to give the slats themselves a clean, simply run the sponge along each one, stopping every 4 or 5 slats to wash out your sponge.

It really is that simple to care for your new venetian blinds. No scrubbing, no laundry, just sparkling clean blinds for you to admire.

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